My Story
Welcome to Shell Toucher; Innovative Camino Outfitting
Camino Inspired & Camino Tested
A humble little store run by a fella with a passion for all things El Camino, and dedicated to getting you out on the way with ease, advice and maybe even a little style! Ok, maybe style is the wrong word? But we definitely demonstrate a unique fashion sense I have been told...Ugh, I hate writing About Us pages! My penchant for pretension only lasts a few lines before it goes South. Would it be ok if I switched the point of view? Gracias!
You see, every item we offer was inspired by my own personal experiences on the Camino Frances, and then field tested on my return to Spain for my second Camino in Spring 2023! In between, my prototypes were tested in the desert of Arizona on my daily 4 mile hikes; rain or shine, and then later tested again on the trails of Western Massachusetts!
Each & Every Product We Offer I Wish I Had On My First Trip!
Honestly, like many others I thought I might write about my pilgrimage or maybe even collect local ghost stories and folktales but alas, that was not the case. I mean, it wasn’t for lack of preparation or trying, I had a thick, waterproof journal and space pens, even printed business cards in both Spanish & English making it clear I was interested in people's personal and overheard spooky tales! The working title was Camino Paranormal, but as many of you know: you go to the Camino with one idea in mind and more often than not, leave with another altogether. Lol, it would seem the Camino knows better than us what we really need! Plus, how many Camino themed books does the world really want? So consider this simple little shop my contribution! I really hope you enjoy it!

My background is in male grooming products so a lot of these balms, salves and powders were easy for me to pull off, however when it came to the gear, that was a whole other story.
I really love a good challenge and having been hiking for years I also know what I personally look for in a design…I just needed to learn how to express that in my drawings and in my search for the right materials. I’m proud to say all the time and research paid off. It was kind of nice justifying my next Camino as “Product Testing” too. Like we need an excuse to return again and again. So there I was on a mission and really put my prototypes through the wringer. When I returned home slight tweaks were made in some items while others proved sound! And it is these little daydreams come to life that I am ready to share with you! Thank you again for your support!
Oh and please, if you too think of any other features I seemed to have reasonably left out, let me know and you just may see it on a future model! (Not to mention I’d send you one as a thank you!) --AND, please drop me a line and send me some photos from your adventure!
Buen Camino Mis Amigos!