That’s right, u could leave your entire camino up to chance:
“Should i stay at albergue x or albergue y?” Flips coin.
Or “Should I stop or keep walking?
Or “Take a left or right?”
Or “Extend my trip and go to finisterre?”
These moments of indecision are endless, so why not harness a little of that Camino magic?
I did this on my last trip after I created the coin and let me tell you, it’s very freeing. But maybe you'll just consult the coin on special occasions? The choice is up to you...or is it?
Aside from some whimsical fun, Our Path Of Chance coin is an important tool to get you out of your comfort zone, something we could all use a little more of these days. Granted the camino is designed for this, the coin just ramps it up a bit more! Note: This coin is also the perfect weight and size for "knuckle rolling"!
Take the path with a little chance in your pocket! (it couldn't hurt!)
Weight: 28 Grams
Diameter: 1.5"